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  • Writer's pictureRohan Samal

Inspiration from other handicapped persons and resolutions for 2022

Today I’ve been spam-watching YouTube videos of other handicapped people. I wonder why I didn’t do this till now. But it’s been a good experience trying to forge my own journey as a handicap. But now when I see some of the other people, it’s inspirational to know what I can do. I have a to-do list in terms of what I want to do in the next few months, and I think if I do them, I’ll gain a lot of confidence and forge a career path that makes me happy as well.

What’s my to-do?

  • Walk Daily and more

  • Wear full pants - Trousers or Jeans, anything

  • Walk without the stick

Walking without the stick is the biggest move forward because right now, I do hold the stick. I don’t really use it, I’ve actually shortened its height so that I do not apply unnecessary weight to it.

It sounds silly, but applying weight to the stick actually changes my gait and posture quite a lot. It looks clear as day that I am limping, and well - no one wants that.

The second part is wearing full pants - jeans or trousers. Till today, I’ve only worked shorts when I’ve worn the prosthetic - it’s mostly to do with the regular adjustments I’ve had to do on the prosthetic in order to ensure that I have no air inside and it’s properly fitting.

But the latest socket has a snug fit and it is precisely what one wants in a prosthetic. I’ve spent several hours with it and I do not have to adjust it as I used to do before. However, what that means is that the route is open for me to wear full pants again. I am a bit apprehensive about it mostly because I am not sure how that adds to the weight of the lower half of the prosthetic. I might need to apply more pressure or move with more firmness in order to have a good grasp of my walking posture and gait as well.

But these are things that I am much more confident in doing right now as I gain more experience and become much more comfortable in walking.

Of course, I do want to sit on a motorcycle later as well, and I don’t know how that pans out. But let’s see how it goes because there’s no harm in trying. Earlier there was a legitimate reason that there was a possibility of physical permanent harm to my left knee.

Walk daily and more is basically to exercise my body and grow accustomed to walking a lot more. I need to do less sitting and more of moving around. And I plan on making that a habit as soon as possible.

They say after your accident, you become even more steel-resolved to do the things you loved. What did I love? I liked trekking, but I didn’t really love it. I loved traveling - that was my thing. And I plan on doing that. In fact, I hope to do it this year itself, going alone to Mumbai, going to Singapore obviously with my brother and then, probably going to Kolkata. My cousin sister asked me today and that got me thinking, why can’t I go to Kolkata? It’s worth a visit, I definitely want to visit the place and check out the various things to view there.

It’s good to have goals. And of course, I do have the long-term career goal that I have spoken about.

Exciting days ahead!! Just hope I am able to do all of that physically.


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