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  • Writer's pictureRohan Samal

Avatar 2 Review: Great story, but a few loopholes

I went to see Avatar 2 today and it brought back memories from the first Avatar nearly ten years ago. The second edition of Avatar, yet another movie that took ten years to make did not disappoint either. But while the James Cameron touch was visible, there were some loopholes in the story.

The Avatar story takes place in the same planet as the first movie, but this time around, Humans have a permanent base. They are already mining minerals back to their base with Jake Sully and co. doing guerilla attacks on the transport.

But then the story takes a weird turn. Colonel Quaritch comes back, via his memories, this time in an Avatar’s body. That’s weird enough as it is. But then it gets even more difficult when Spider - his supposed son - decides to help him throughout the movie.

Why is this weird? Because Spider is not normal. He grew up with the Sullys, he’s feral and he considers himself to be one of the Na’Vi. Except that he doesn’t in the movie.

The first time he’s captured and despite stringent interrogation, he does not give away secrets. And then Quaritch says he will try a personal angle and then voila, all of a sudden Spider’s helping him all around.

I found that character’s development to be really weird throughout the movie. It always felt like he was showing emotions for the Sullys but none of his actions backed his emotions.

So it was just weird to see his character constantly say he’s with the Sullys, he even goes back to the Sullys after the movie is over. But not before he decides to save Quaritch, and not before he’s done helping Quaritch throughout the entire movie.

Overall, Avatar was a good watch. It kept me entertained and there were hardly any boring spots through the movie. Whether its enough to recoup a $2 billion profit? Well, time will tell.

People are just spoiled by the Marvel movies. Even in my theater, people were waiting for post-credit scenes. Remember these things didn’t exist back before the MARVEL era, and somehow people just assume every movie now has a post-credit scene, or two.

Also Tuk is so cute.


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